
Did you know that sporting activities are the leading cause of eye injuries in children?

Did you know that sporting activities are the leading cause of eye injuries in children under the age of 16?  In fact, every 13 minutes, a person with an eye injury visits an emergency room.  More than 90% of eye injuries can be prevented with the use of sports protective eyewear.

Here are some tips for protecting you and your family against a sports eye injury:  wear protective sports eyewear when you participate in all sports; ask your child's school or athletic club to adopt a policy requiring protective sports eyewear; be sure to discuss your sports with your eye doctor during your annual eye exam so that you can get the right recommendations for sports' eye injury protection; and last, protective sports eyewear are eyeglass frames or goggles specially designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the appropriate US impact protection standards.  Oakland Optometry in Rochester Hills, MI is a certified sports eye injury prevention center.

Oakland Optometry in Rochester Hills, MI offers an assortment of both sports protective and sun performance eyewear for you and your family.  Regardless of the sport, we have the sport eyewear for you that can be made into your prescription.  We offer free single vision lenses with the purchase of a Liberty Sport frame.

Stop in today or call Oakland Optometry at 248.373.6500 to learn more about our sport eyewear protection program.

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